The ModGate Plus is an easy to use Gateway between Modbus/TCP on Ethernet or WLAN, Modbus/RTU and Modbus/ASCII. ModGate Plus 213 connects two Modbus serial lines to a network running TCP/IP. It can also connect Modbus/RTU and Modbus/ASCII busses.
Hardware Characteristics
With its metal case, a wide temperature range and a flexible DC power supply, the ModGate Plus classifies as an industrial-strength device. The product line is based on a state-of-the-art RISC processor, providing a cost-effective design and low power consumption. The serial ports can be configured to physically use RS232, RS422 or RS485, allowing the utilisation of multiple Modbus Slaves on a single serial line.
Operational Benefits
The ModGate Plus devices make Modbus operations independent of distance and OS platforms; they can be accessed and controlled via Internet and VPN connections.
The messages received on the network are sent to the destination serial line; replies from serial port are sent back across the network and vice versa. A ModGate Plus device functions automatically, whether a Modbus Master is on a serial port or on the TCP/IP network.
Modbus Master Multiplexing is implemented as an extension to the standard: Several Masters can connect to ModGate Plus using Modbus/TCP whilst slaves on serial lines may answer requests from multiple Masters.
The configuration of ModGate Plus is done via browser. The user interface is based on modern web technologies to allow for an easy navigation through the configuration options provided. Furthermore, UPnP provides a simple and standardized way to find the Gateway in the network.
ModGate Plus devices can be ordered with an embedded module for WLAN 802.11b/g/n.
DIP switches set the device to DHCP or a defined fixed IP Address to be contacted via WEB Browser
Operating mode
Promiscous Mode
Messages received from the network are sent to the defined serial port, messages from the serial port are sent to the connected network host. (Circuit Switching)
Direct Mapping Mode
Received messages are scanned for their target address. This address is found in the mapping table, the message is sent to the defined connection. (Packet Switching)
This product uses open source software to fulfill part of its functions. Licenses for the open source software are granted under the GNU General Public License in various versions. For details about those see the information in the firmware download and